How to Prepare for Your Child's First Eye ExamMar 05, 2025Kids’ firsts are usually exciting, but their first eye exam can be a bit daunting if they — and you — don’t know what to expect. Here’s how to prepare your family for this important first appointment.Continue reading
How to Work From Home Without Damaging Your EyesFeb 02, 2025If working from home is part of your job description, you already know the perks — PJs all day, a fridge at your fingertips, and no drop-in co-workers. However, if you don’t know what your at-home office is doing to your vision, keep reading.Continue reading
5 Telltale Signs of an Eye InfectionDec 01, 2024Allergies, crying, and pulling an all-nighter can cause redness and irritation in your eyes, so how do you know when your symptoms stem from an infection? Here’s a look at what causes eye infections, what to watch for, and how to address them. Continue reading
Is Blue Light Really Bad for Your Eyes?Nov 01, 2024You see ads everywhere for blue-light-blocking glasses, but you’re skeptical. That’s good. It’s wise to know the facts before buying into the latest product or marketing scheme. Here’s the straight scoop on blue light from our experienced optometrist.Continue reading
Wearing Contacts With Astigmatism: What You Should KnowJun 19, 2024Regular contact lenses won’t work when you have an oddly shaped cornea or lens, known as astigmatism. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of options. We have three astigmatism-friendly contact lenses that will change your life.Continue reading
Tips for Protecting Your Eyes from StrainMay 02, 2024Blurry vision, headaches, and eye fatigue are common signs of eye strain. Here’s how to alleviate the problem without compromising your work ethic or giving up your favorite hobby.Continue reading
Do Blue Light Glasses Work? Separating Fact From FictionApr 02, 2024You’ve seen ads for blue light glasses and you’re wondering if they really work and whether you need them. Our blue light glasses expert weighs in with the facts. Continue reading
6 Questions to Ask Your Eye Doctor at Your Next Eye ExamMar 02, 2024There can sometimes be an intimidating air of mystery surrounding medical appointments. But it’s your health, so you should play an active role. When you have questions, be sure to ask them. Here are six questions for your next eye exam. Continue reading
Warning Signs That You're Straining Your EyesFeb 01, 2024When you feel tired, headachy, and unfocused but can’t pinpoint the problem, it could be eye strain. Here’s how to spot the symptoms and how to avoid overworking your eyes.Continue reading
Eye Health Tricks You Can Start Using TodayJan 12, 2024You know that oatmeal can keep your cholesterol down, and exercise strengthens your heart health, but what are you doing for your eyes? Here are some simple tips you can do daily to ensure optimal eye health.Continue reading
5 Reasons to Wear Quality Sunglasses All Year LongDec 02, 2023You can pick up a cheap pair of sunglasses just about anywhere, but don’t expect them to protect your eyes well. Here’s the difference between high- and low-quality shades — and why it matters every day. Continue reading
I Keep Getting Headaches — Could I Have a Vision Problem?Dec 01, 2023Headaches go hand in hand with allergies, illness, injury, stress, and lack of sleep, to name just a few culprits. But vision problems can also trigger head pain. Here’s the link between eyesight and headaches. Continue reading
Signs and Symptoms of Common Eye InfectionsOct 01, 2023Your eyes are susceptible to a lot of viruses, bacteria, and debris floating around out there, causing irritation and worse. Here’s how to tell when those pathogens have invaded and infected your eyes.Continue reading
How Long Do LASIK Results Last?Sep 01, 2023Do you hate wearing eye glasses? LASIK surgery can be a game-changer for your vision and allow you to ditch your glasses — but for how long? Here’s the inside scoop on what to expect from LASIK.Continue reading
When to See a Specialist About Your Eye IrritationAug 01, 2023Itchy, red, and dry eyes are common occurrences — an all-night study session, a few too many drinks, or a day at the beach can irritate your eyes. So how do you know when to see an eye doctor about the discomfort? Here’s a handy guideline.Continue reading
Is Macular Degeneration Hereditary?Jul 04, 2023Your eyesight is precious, so you do everything possible to keep your peepers healthy. But what about genetic problems? Could you be destined for diseases like macular degeneration despite your best efforts? Find out here. Continue reading
How Diabetes Affects Your EyesJun 05, 2023Diabetes leaves no aspect of your health untouched — it even affects your vision. If you ignore the signs, you risk significant impairment and blindness. Don’t get caught unawares; keep reading to learn about diabetes-related eye disease. Continue reading
Blue Light 101: Everything You Should KnowMay 05, 2023Could your computer be damaging your eyes? Does binge watching TV shows affect your vision? Take a quick course on blue light, and learn what the experts say about digital devices and eye health. Continue reading
Will My Child's Lazy Eye Resolve on Its Own?Apr 12, 2023You want the best for your child and are willing to do what it takes to correct their lazy eye, but is treatment really necessary? Keep reading to learn if your child will grow out of their lazy eye or if they need professional help. Continue reading
What Are My Options If I Can't Wear Contact Lenses?Mar 13, 2023Contact lenses revolutionized optometry, but these in-eye “glasses” aren’t right for everyone. Here are your choices for vision correction if you find that your contact lens intolerant.Continue reading
Here's How Often You Should Bring Your Child in for an Eye ExamFeb 20, 2023Your child is on schedule with vaccines, weigh-ins, and wellness visits, but when do they need their first eye exam — and how often after that? Find the answers to your questions about your child’s eye health here. Continue reading
Who Can Benefit From Blue Light Glasses?Jan 09, 2023You might need glasses even if you don’t need corrective lenses. Whether you have perfect vision or use prescription eyewear, blue light-blocking lenses can save your eyesight. Keep reading to find out if you’re on the list of those who can benefit.Continue reading
How the Sun Affects Your VisionDec 12, 2022You know what the sun does to your skin, but you may be surprised to learn about the damage it can do to your eyes. Keep reading to discover why sunglasses are more than just a fashion accessory.Continue reading
Adjusting to Life With ContactsNov 10, 2022Adjusting to life with contacts isn’t just about learning to put them in and take them out. It’s also about understanding how they change your daily routine and proper procedures you need to follow — no matter what.Continue reading
Tips for Choosing the Best SunglassesOct 01, 2022All sunglasses perform the basic task of dulling the intensity of sunlight, and some even double as a fashion accessory, but they don’t all protect your eye health. Keep reading to find out how to choose sunglasses that can save your eyesight.Continue reading
I Have Astigmatism — Now What?Sep 08, 2022You just found out you have astigmatism. That explains your blurry vision, eye strain, and headaches, but what’s the next step? Find out about this common eye condition and how we treat it here. Continue reading
Bad Habits That Are Harming Your EyesAug 08, 2022Your eyelids and tears protect your eyes from most foreign particles and keep them moist and healthy. But a few bad habits can sabotage their efforts and put your eyes in danger. Are you guilty of these eye care sins? Continue reading
5 Factors to Consider When Choosing Contact LensesJul 08, 2022Contact lenses allow you to go frame-free, but choosing contacts isn’t a no-brainer. There’s a wide variety of contact lenses made of different materials for different purposes. Here’s what you need to consider before you ditch your spectacles. Continue reading
Why You Shouldn’t Ignore Signs of GlaucomaJun 01, 2022Fluid ebbs and flows in and around your eyes to keep them nourished and protected. But if it builds up and puts pressure on your retina, you have glaucoma, a serious condition that needs prompt attention. Here’s why. Continue reading
Is LASIK Permanent?May 01, 2022A quick and painless eye surgery called LASIK permanently alters your cornea to help you see better. But that doesn’t mean you’ll see better forever. Here’s why.Continue reading
How Sunglasses Benefit Your Eye HealthApr 01, 2022Whether your style is sporty, chic, playful, or professional, your shades serve dual purposes: They make a fashion statement and keep the sun out of your eyes. But that’s not all they do. Here are a few more of sunglasses’ superpowers. Continue reading
5 Benefits of Routine Eye ExamsMar 09, 2022When your schedule is so packed that it’s tough to find time for a grocery run, why would you bother trying to fit in a routine eye exam when you feel — and see — just fine? Here’s why. Continue reading
How to Protect Your Eyes from Computer Vision SyndromeFeb 01, 2022There’s a digital device everywhere you turn these days. Phones, TVs, laptops, tablets, readers, and computers all draw eyes to their glowing screens, and your eyes are paying the price. Find out what you can do to keep your peepers safe.Continue reading
4 Eye Conditions Optomap® Can Help DiagnoseJan 07, 2022They say your eyes are the windows to your soul, but they’re also the windows to your health. Often, the first signs of disease appear deep inside your eyes. Here’s how optomap® provides optometrists with a clear view of your eyes and overall health.Continue reading
Are there Long-term Effects of Dry Eyes?Dec 31, 2021Dry eyes can be uncomfortable and annoying, but is the condition a threat to your eyes or your vision? Keep reading to find out what can happen over the long term if you ignore chronic dry eye.Continue reading
Treat Your Prescription Glasses as a Fashion AccessoryNov 15, 2021You wear them every day, all day, so your glasses are essentially part of your face — but unlike your nose and mouth, they’re changeable. Here’s how to choose frames that suit your moods, accessorize your outfits, and make a style statement. Continue reading
Did You Know We offer Online Frame Shopping?Oct 15, 2021Whether you prefer to shop from home as a health precaution, you lead a busy life, or you just like the privacy — we understand. That’s why we offer you the convenience of both in-office or in-home frame shopping. Here’s how it works. Continue reading
How Often Do I Need New Eyeglasses?Sep 14, 2021In a way, eyeglasses are like shoes — sometimes you want new ones, and sometimes you need new ones. Find out how to tell the difference so you can keep your prescription and your style up to date.Continue reading
Here’s What Your Optometrist Is Looking for During Your Eye ExamJun 18, 2021Good vision is more than just the ability to see; it’s a complex function involving intricate nerves, muscles, and other tissues to work in harmony. To ensure that, a comprehensive eye exam looks deep into your eyes — here’s what we’re looking for. Continue reading
6 Symptoms of Dry EyesApr 06, 2021Tears aren’t just for crying; they protect your eyes with essential moisture every time you blink. If you’re running low on tears, you may have chronic dry eyes — which is really something to cry about. Here’s how to spot the signs. Continue reading
Optometry: Why Sophia Barnes Is the Best Optometrist in the Area Mar 11, 2021You want to ensure you have the best vision and healthiest eyes possible, so you need a good optometrist. We know that reputation matters when you’re looking for an eye doctor. Here’s why patients give Dr. Sophia Barnes five stars and two thumbs up.Continue reading
What Is Retinopathy?Mar 02, 2021Blurry vision, floating specks, and difficulty focusing may be signs that you need a break from your computer, or they may indicate retinopathy, which is the term for retina damage. The only way to know for sure is to get an eye exam. Continue reading
The Benefits of LASIKFeb 04, 2021Glasses and contacts do wonders to help you see, but they’re not always the most convenient option. For many, LASIK eye surgery is a long-term solution to clearer vision. Convenience is just one item on a long list of benefits of LASIK surgery.Continue reading
How Frequently Should I Update My Glasses Prescription?Jan 04, 2021How do you know when it’s time to get new glasses? Is it different for everyone? Learn the best ways to maintain healthy eyes, 20/20 vision, and prevent vision problems by keeping your prescription up-to-date. Continue reading
Don’t Suffer From Dry Eye This Winter: We Have SolutionsDec 01, 2020When you suffer from dry eye, just the thought of winter can send a shudder up your spine. But you don’t have to hide inside when the winter winds blow. We can help you control your burning, itchy, and watery eyes all year long.Continue reading
How Often Should I See my Eye Doctor?Nov 06, 2020It’s hard to understate the importance of your vision, which is why you need to safeguard your eye health through routine eye exams. Here’s a look at how often you should come see us so we can help you see clearly into the future.Continue reading
Update Your Look with New Frames That Fit Your FaceOct 01, 2020Whether you want to make a bold statement with your glasses or downplay your corrective lenses entirely, your choice of frames can accomplish almost anything you want.Continue reading
When Should I Be Wearing Blue Light Glasses?Sep 11, 2020If you regularly find yourself looking at a screen, you might notice some unpleasant side effects. Find out how excessive blue light affects your eyes, and what can be done to minimize damage. Continue reading
Recovering from LASIK: What You Need to KnowAug 06, 2020Each year in the United States, hundreds of thousands of people opt for permanent vision correction with LASIK eye surgery. Most people experience excellent results following a short recovery. Here’s what you should know. Continue reading
5 Important Reasons Why You Should be Wearing Blue Light GlassesJul 16, 2020Are you sitting in front of your computer or using a cellphone or tablet all day? If so, you’re exposed to a lot of blue light — like most US adults and teens. Find out how blue light glasses can help protect your eyes from excessive exposure. Continue reading
Why You Should Seek Treatment If You Think You Have an Eye Infection Jun 23, 2020Do you have red, itchy, swollen eyes? You may have pink eyes or some other type of eye infection. Find out why it’s important for your eye health and vision to seek treatment when you suspect you have an eye infection.Continue reading
Why You Should Only Purchase the Best Quality Glasses and LensesMay 27, 2020Did you know that your ability to see clearly from that fabulous pair of glasses you’re considering buying depends on lens quality and frame style? Find out why that is and how we can help you choose the best glasses, starting with the right exam. Continue reading
Can Too Much Screen Time Affect Your Eyesight?Apr 27, 2020Screen time provides many educational and recreational opportunities. But too much time in front of a screen can affect your eyesight. Here are some common ways excess screen time hurts your eyes.Continue reading
What Should You Do in an Eyecare Emergency?Mar 12, 2020Having a sudden emergency with your eyes can be very unnerving. Here’s how to recognize when your eyes need emergency care and what to do about it.Continue reading
When To Get New GlassesFeb 20, 2020You may have had your glasses for years and still be able to see fairly clearly out of them. Because your glasses are helping your eyesight, you may not realize that the condition of your eyes themselves has changed.Continue reading
Decorating Your Eyes For HalloweenFeb 20, 2020The spookiest night of the year is almost here! Halloween is a festive night where people can dress up for laughs, scares, or even candy. Depending on the costume, it may even take some crazy eyewear to achieve your desired look.Continue reading
Thanksgiving Foods and Your EyesightFeb 20, 2020There is nothing like the smell of spices & herbs cooking in the kitchen during the holiday season. The Thanksgiving table is certainly a symbol of plenty as we enjoy a wonderful meal with family & friends celebrating all that we have to be thankful for.Continue reading
The Importance of Annual Eye ExamsFeb 20, 2020As we enter the year 2020, our team here at Vision Corner would like to remind you to schedule your annual eye exam. Eye exams are important at every age and life stage not only to help you see clearly, but also to make sure you are healthy.Continue reading
Low Vision AwarenessFeb 20, 2020February is low vision awareness month and we can think of no better time to call attention to an important condition that affects millions each year.Continue reading
Winter Eyecare TipsFeb 11, 2020As winter arrives, many of us take precautions to protect ourselves from the cold and boost up our immune system to fight against another flu season. Continue reading